mini vacay to the ocean

One of the best parts of living where we do is that it’s 2 hours from the beach! We honestly don’t go enough, even though it’s technically a day trip. My sisters and I (Kennzie and Lydia) decided we wanted to spend a night in Gulfport a couple weeks ago, because we were having beach […]

my top podcast recommendations

One thing I’ve really gotten into in the last few years (like the rest of the world) is podcasts! They’re the perfect way to learn new things while habit-stacking. It’s almost like a mini non-fiction audio book or something. 😂 I honestly only have one podcast that I’m loyal to, but I have many that […]

resurrection sunday || 2024

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating Christ’s resurrection! I wanted to just quickly share some pictures from today. 🤍💙💚 Our Easter plans are always pretty lowkey. We have a special service at church, then we come home and eat Easter dinner. We used to dye eggs but haven’t since we […]